

The Balvihar curriculum is based entirely on our scriptures. A team of specially trained, experienced, and dedicated teachers teach the Balvihar program. Through games, arts, crafts, stories, and other unique techniques, the Balvihar program imparts and reinforces spiritual and cultural values. The curriculum designed for all grade levels (Pre-K through Grade 12) is creative and dynamic, and covers a wide range of topics.

An innovative way to jump start a value based education program has been created for our children. It is a structured, age appropriate program which runs from KG - 12th grade.

The multi-dimensional approach of looking at scriptures as they apply to our daily lives makes spirituality more relevant for children. We want our children to lead a truly happy, peaceful, and successful life. There is no better way but to introduce them to the science of living through this program.
ABC BALVIHAR ALPHABETS - Instill values like aspiration, brotherhood, cleanliness etc., through animal stories, coloring, and hands-on activities

Bala Bhagavatam- This is a beautiful book for children, which deals with the childhood stories of Lord Krishna, full of pranks, mischief and meaningful adventures and purposeful jokes. The ever-smiling, never-weeping Krishna should be the ideal for the modern world of children everywhere. The child, who has been nurtured upon these stories cannot easily be victimized by the confusions of the age around us.

Through the stories of different Avatars of Lord Sri Vishnu, children learn to own up to their actions. They learn to ask for only what they need, and not necessarily what they desire.

SYMBOLISM IN HINDUISM- In the Indian ethos, we encounter symbolism everywhere - in our shastras, in our celebrations and festivals, in the way we live. Symbolism has a language of its own. It is not necessarily meant to be cryptic or secretive, but it is meant to make one think, to ask questions. Why do we celebrate our festivals the way we do? Why are Hindu gods multi-armed, each one specific and distinct from the other? What is the significance of their individual vehicles and the weapons they carry? Pujya Gurudev, Swami Chinmayananda, sometimes spoke about symbolism and sometimes wrote about it. His style was unique and always to the point. The aritcles in this book have been compiled by Swami Nityananda, who was driven by a desire to share Gurudev's wisdom with all. There are articles by others too, and they have been included because each one of them touches on one or the other aspect of symbolism.