Balvihar starts with our toddlers  ...

“Children are not vessels to be filled, but lamps to be lit. The seed of spiritual values should be sown in young hearts, and the conditions made favorable for sprouting and steady growth through proper control and discipline. It must be cared for with the warmth of love and affection, and such a tree shall blossom forth flowers of brotherhood, universal love, peace, bliss, beauty, and Perfection”.

– Swami Chinmayananda

The goal of the BalVihar program is to “wake up the sleeping giant” within and inspire them to reach their maximum potential. This is achieved by imparting a value-based education through a specially designed, age appropriate curriculum that has been carefully developed by expert Chinmaya Acharyas. Through inspiring stories, projects, role-playing, and songs, a child’s mind is awakened to the higher. “Why We Do What We Do” is a recurring theme throughout the curriculum.


“To help children learn values with fun, to delight like the moon and shine like the sun” – Swami Tejomayananda




Alphabet Safari - Kindergarten instill values like aspiratin, brotherhood, cleanliness etc., through animal stories, coloring and hands-on activities.



Lean from Hanuman the values like courage, strength, fearlessness, alertness, eloquence etc.  as they are the vitamins that make our mental backbone straight and strong.


Inspire children and enhance their imagination through events and stories of Sri Ram's journey in Ramayana.